Back in 2023, Deacon Ron Guertin and I formed a team at our parishes and met in Emily, MN (halfway between parishes) to play for the Bishop Baraga Travelling Trophy! It was Our Lady of the Lakes vs St. Augustine's Parishes. Parishioners from OLOL and St. Joseph's/Augustine Parishes, with many from Cross Lakes/Emily parishes came together to watch the teams battle for the trophy! Of course, Father Trevor's team, Our Lady of the Lakes, took the trophy home! After the game, everyone came together for a potluck! Those who went loved this so much that they requested for more games in the summer, and of course for the fellowship! There were many people who did not go heard about how much fun we had, that they demanded us to hold more games! So, by request, Deacon Ron, a representative from OLOL, and I are looking at playing games this upcoming summer!
Because of the demand of wanting to play more games, the majority of the players and parishioners wanted at least one game per month during the summer. The games will be held on a Sunday afternoon (after all Masses) and we try to have them located center of all parishes. Furthermore, we know there may be some children, so we will make sure there is a playground available. Lastly, we do have a potluck after the game for fellowship where we get to see people we know and new people.
Currently, Deacon Ron and I are figuring out a schedule and how this will look like. We might go with mission fields (e.g. St. Mary's and St. Joseph Mission play on the St. Augustine team and St. Charles joins the Walker/Hackensack team). More information will come in the month of January or February!
You will hear Fr. Trevor promote this beginning January - May. We are hoping to have games one Sunday in June, July, and August. Maybe September.
Here is what we are looking at for a team: The teams must include: 1) Men and Women 2) Ages of around 15 and Up 3) This is a fun competition. The teams want to win, but they also want to have fun. Being too serious ruins the fun.